Ten Thousand

I’ve written several times about the two online bereaved parent groups I belong to. They are wonderful places to share questions, concerns, blessings, experiences, and any and every emotion you may have as a parent who has lost a child. The people in the group range in age. Everyone’s child loss experience is different, but there are enough people with similar stories that they can share lessons learned. The moderators of the groups make sure that people are kind and that the advice imparted is sound. And, in both groups, the moderators ensure that the commenters adhere to Biblical principles. The members must request to join and must agree to follow Christian teachings in their comments and discussion.

Recently, the moderator of the group While We Are Waiting mentioned that the membership of the Facebook group had passed the 10,000 member mark.

That just takes my breath away. Ten thousand parents whose child no longer walks this earth. Ten thousand parents trying to make sense of this life they did not choose. Ten thousand parents reaching out to each other asking if they are normal, if they are grieving “right,” if they will ever stop crying, if their sense of guilt will ever go away, if God is punishing them. And, especially – “if only …”.

It doesn’t sound like a very fun group, does it?

But, the other thing these 10,000 people have in common is a belief in God. They may be questioning the nature of a god who allows children to die, but they all are hanging on to hope. Hope as thin as the most raveled thread in the hem of His garment is still hope.

Ten thousand parents grieving with hope. With the assurance that there is life after this world. To the parents reaching out in despair, there are many more reaching out with a hand to hold. Offering not just a virtual shoulder to cry on, but asking if there are members in the group that live nearby. Creating in-person groups and friendships.

Sweet, hurting parent you do not have to walk this hard path alone. It’s hard to look around and all you see are intact families. Parents whose children are all here, just growing up like children are supposed to do. It’s hard to fit in when you have a hole in your heart. But, believe me, you are not alone.

I know 10,000 people just like us.


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